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Book Reviews by Author
- Aaron, Jason
- Abani, Chris
- Abnett, Dan
- Adler-Olsen, Jussi
- Alphona, Adrian
- Anderson, Laurie Halse
- Anderson, M. T.
- Angeli, Marguerite de
- Anno, Mitsumasa
- Apple, Margot
- Arntson, Steven
- Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia
- Austen, Jane
- Auxier, Jonathan
- Avi
- Aydin, Andrew
- Azarian, Mary
- Bair, Michael
- Bang, Molly
- Bardugo, Leigh
- Beaulieu, Jean-Francois
- Becker, Aaron
- Beddor, Frank
- Bellaire, Jordie
- Bick, Ilsa J.
- Billingsley, Franny
- Black, Holly
- Blanchard, Ken
- Bloom, Jennifer L.
- Blume, Judy
- Bolwes, Sheldon
- Boss, Tyler
- Bottner, Barbara
- Boyd, Jordan
- Bradbury, Ray
- Bressan, Andrei
- Brontë, Charlotte
- Brooks, Geraldine
- Brown, Dan
- Brown, Jeffrey
- Browne, Ryan
- Brust, Steven
- Buckingham, Marcus
- Buckingham, Mark
- Bunting, Eve
- Butcher, Jim
- Byars, Betsy
- Byrne, John
- Cantamessa, Christian
- Card, Orson Scott
- Carle, Eric
- Carman, Patrick
- Carriger, Gail
- Carter, Ally
- Cashore, Kristin
- Cassaday, John
- Cassutt, Michael
- Cates, Donny
- Chaykin, Howard
- Checchetto, Marco
- Chima, Cinda Williams
- Clare, Cassandra
- Coffman, Curt
- Colfer, Eoin
- Collins, Suzanne
- Condie, Ally
- Cooney, Barbara
- Cooper, Susan
- Creech, Sharon
- Crews, Donald
- Croggon, Alison
- Cronin, Doreen
- Crutcher, Chris
- Curiel, David
- Cushman, Karen
- Daly, Maureen
- Dautremer, Rébecca
- Dayton, Gail
- DeConnick, Kelly Sue
- Delgado, Edgar
- Deodato, Mike
- Diaz, David
- DiCamillo, Kate
- Dixon, Heather
- Dodson, Rachel
- Dodson, Terry
- Duggan, Gerry
- DuPrau, Jeanne
- Durgin, Doranna
- Gaiman, Neil
- Gannett, Ruth Chrisman
- Gannett, Ruth Stiles
- Gardner, Sally
- George, Judith St.
- Gerstein, Mordicai
- Gibb, Sarah
- Gibbons, Dave
- Gillen, Kieron
- Gilman, Laura Anne
- Goldman, Jeremy
- Goyer, David S.
- Granov, Adi
- Green, John
- Greene, Graham
- Grimm, Jacob & Wilhelm
- Guillory, Rob
- Haddix, Margaret Peterson
- Hale, Dean
- Hale, Shannon
- Harris, Tony
- Hartinger, Brent
- Haseley, Dennis
- He, Ye
- Healey, Karen
- Henkes, Kevin
- Higgins, John
- Hines, Anna
- Hinton, S. E.
- Hollingsworth, Matt
- Hood, Josh
- Hopkins, Jackie Mims
- Horowitz, Anthony
- Houck, Colleen
- Huston, Charlie
- Hutson, Bryant L.
- Kagawa, Julie
- Karas, G. Brian
- Kendall, Carol
- Ketner, Lukas
- Kindlon, Patrick
- King, Stephen
- Klassen, Jon
- Klause, Annette Curtis
- Knight, Tim
- Kostova, Elizabeth
- Krantz, Les
- Krashen, Stephen D.
- Lackey, Mercedes
- Lairamore, Dawn
- LaMarche, Jim
- Lamott, Anne
- Landro, Valentine De
- Larios, Julie
- Larraz, Pepe
- Larroca, Salvador
- Layman, John
- Lechermeier, Philippe
- Lee, Jared
- Level, Brian
- Levine, Gail Carson
- Lewin, Betsy
- Lewis, C.S.
- Lewis, John
- Lies, Brian
- Lin, Grace
- Lint, Charles de
- Lucas, Adriano
- Maberry, Jonathan
- Macaulay, David
- Maguire, Gregory
- Mahy, Margaret
- Maleev, Alex
- Manak, Dave
- Manders, John
- Marshall, James
- Martin, George
- Martin, Jacqueline Briggs
- Martin, Laura
- Martin, Marcos
- Maurier, Daphne du
- Mazer, Anne
- McBain, Lesley
- McBride, Lish
- McEwan, Ian
- McKean, Dave
- McKinley, Robin
- McLeod, Bob
- McNiven, Steve
- Mellow, E.J.
- Meltzer, Brad
- Meyer, Stephenie
- Mignola, Mike
- Millar, Mark
- Miyazawa, Takeshi
- Montresor, Beni
- Moore, Alan
- Morales, Rags
- Morgenstern, Erin
- Moriarty, Chris
- Morrison, Grant
- Mounts, Paul
- Murdock, Catherine Gilbert
- Murphy, Sean Gordon
- Myers, Walter Dean
- Myracle, Lauren
- Paolini, Christopher
- Parish, Peggy
- Paschkis, Julie
- Pasetto, Chris
- Patron, Susan
- Perkins, Lynne Rae
- Perrault, Charles
- Petersik, John
- Petersik, Sherry
- Pham, LeUyen
- Phelan, Matt
- Pierce, Tamora
- Portis, Antoinette
- Potter, Ellen
- Powell, Nate
- Prahin, Andrew
- Pullman, Philip
- Raicht, Mike
- Raschka, Chris
- Reber, Brian
- Resnick, Mike
- Rhys, Jean
- Richardson, Kat
- Riordan, Rick
- Lightning Thief, The (Percy Jackson and the Olympians #1)
- Red Pyramid, The (Kane Chronicles #1)
- Battle of the Labyrinth, The (Percy Jackson and the Olympians #4)
- Last Olympian, The (Percy Jackson and the Olympians #5)
- Lightning Thief, The (Percy Jackson and the Olympians #1)
- Lost Hero, The (The Heroes of Olympus #1)
- Mark of Athena, The (The Heroes of Olympus #3)
- Red Pyramid, The (Kane Chronicles #1)
- Sea of Monsters, The (Percy Jackson and the Olympians #2)
- Serpent's Shadow, The (Kane Chronicles #3)
- Son of Neptune, The (The Heroes of Olympus #2)
- Throne of Fire, The (Kane Chronicles #2)
- Titan's Curse, The (Percy Jackson and the Olympians #3)
- Robertson, Darick
- Robins, Clem
- Robinson, James
- Rodda, Emily
- Rodriguez, Javier
- Rogers, Bruce Holland
- Romita, John
- Rosenberg, Matthew
- Ross, Luke
- Rowling, J.K.
- Rubin, Adam
- Rucka, Greg
- Russell, P. Craig
- Ryan, Carrie
- Sage, Angie
- Saintcrow, Lilith
- Salmieri, Daniel
- Schwab, Victoria
- Scott, Michael
- Scurti, Amanda
- Selznick, Brian
- Service, Pamela F.
- Shan, Darren
- Shannon, David
- Shaw, Geoff
- Shaw, Nancy
- Sherman, Josepha
- Simont, Marc
- Small, David
- Smith, Brian
- Smith, Dodie
- Smith, Lane
- Smith, Paul
- Smith, Zadie
- Snyder, Scott
- Snyder, Zilpha Keatley
- Soule, Charles
- Stead, Rebecca
- Stewart, Mary
- Stiefvater, Maggie
- Stirling, S.M. and Jan
- Stoker, Bram
- Stork, Francisco X.
- Taylor, Laini
- Terrazzini, Daniela J.
- Thaler, Mike
- Thomas, Roy
- Thompson, Kelly
- Thompson, Robbie
- Tolkien, J.R.R.
- Tripp, Wallace
- Tuft, Scott
- Turner, Megan Whalen
- Waid, Mark
- Waters, Daniel
- Weisman, Greg
- Wendig, Chuck
- Westerfeld, Scott
- White, E.B.
- White, T. H.
- Wiles, Deborah
- Willems, Mo
- Williams, Garth
- Williamson, Joshua
- Willingham, Bill
- Wilson, N.D.
- Wrede, Patricia C.
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