Category: Movies/TV

What do soldiers think of Danny Pink?

Warning: Spoilers! I wouldn’t read unless you’ve watched Doctor Who Series 8 Episode 12: Death in Heaven I love Doctor Who. I’m primarily devoted to the new incarnations. I keep trying to work on...

Killer Women

I watched the entire season last night. I tore through it. Molly Parker is a rare beast, a female Texas Ranger. She is trying to get a divorce from a Senator, and is back...

Stephen King Movies

Okay I’m always saying I should read more Stephen King, but I have suddenly been on a Stephen King movie kick.  It was mostly by accident.  I watched Bag of Bones and then Netflix...

Media Monday: Men In Black 3

A meme from me!  At least as far as I know… Recently at my parents’ house we rented MIB3.  We enjoyed the first two, especially the original, and thought oh why not Redbox is...

All Dogs Go To Heaven, The Little Mermaid, Milo & Otis, The Land Before Time

Media Monday: Childhood Movies

A meme from me!  At least as far as I know… I’ve been doing video games so far, but I am in a different mood this week… so seeing as I have thought of...

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