Category: About Stephanie


“10” Years at UNCG or 18?

March was my 10th anniversary of working at UNCG full time but it seems almost small when I consider that I have been on this campus for half my life. (I’m not quite there,...


I have a beautiful hand crafted blank slate dollhouse crafted by my Grampa, Bill Blakey, when I became fascinated with the tiny intricate interiors. Probably sometime between 9 and 13. I have dollhouse furniture....

What am I scared of forgetting?

I wrote down this question a while ago, before I became so familiar with bereavement. I find myself wanting to use the word bereavement more than I expected. When looking for resources for myself...

I’ll Take My Chances

I don’t want to make a whole post about this past year and everything that happened yet but I also feel like coming back I should give some context of where I am. My...

Thoughts from my First Tattoo

It’s been 2 years since I got my first tattoo. So I thought it would be fun to post some of the thoughts I’ve had on it. The tattoo is of the Shadow Key...

The 31st of Halloween

One of my coworkers has declared that October doesn’t exist, there is only Halloween and it has 31 days. When I was a kid I wasn’t that into Halloween. I enjoyed it but was...

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