Thoughts from my First Tattoo

It’s been 2 years since I got my first tattoo. So I thought it would be fun to post some of the thoughts I’ve had on it. The tattoo is of the Shadow Key from the Locke & Key comics by Joe Hill. The tattoo was done by Kayla Faircloth at Scared Mandala. She did an amazing job.
I ended up changing artists and it made scheduling a little stressful. It definitely makes me inclined in my future tattoos to stick to processes where I deal directly with the artist. For all the hiccups that she had no control over, Kayla did an amazing job and knocked it out of the park. I did say no to white ink.
On the day of I actually found myself to do much better on the table than I expected, but I was definitely wimpy as soon as I got home. My best friend happened to be able to be there after the decision making and I think it helped keep conversation going, which helped me not overly focus on pain. There were some definitely funny things:
- When covering your arm to sneeze, make sure you aim for the correct arm.
- My hands have literally never been so soft as when I was regularly applying aftercare.
- I never thought I would have thoughts like “Oh that’s just my tattoo flakes.”
- The way the tattoo looked when the skin pulled and healed was crazy. “Yes, I got a tattoo. Yes, it’s on my arm. Look at this photo instead.”
There were also less funny moments. I learned you can’t over wash but you can over moisturize. When I got curious or anxious I really appreciated the information I found online at Authority Tattoo. I had a little bit of an allergic reaction but I’m not sure if it was over moisturizing, or the saniderm but it was several days after, or just the fact we dog sat. I’ll be ready next time.
Trust me there will be a next time. I have so many ideas and artists that excite me. If you want a peek into my brain check out my Pinterest Board. Hopefully soon!