Author: C.S. Lewis

The Last Battle by C.S. Lewis

I found this one harder to get into because the first six words give you a sense of doom for the entire story, however things of course do turn out all right in the...

The Silver Chair by C.S. Lewis

Eustace returns accompanied by his classmate Jill as they flee the school bullies. Once again years have passed in the land of Narnia and Aslan has a mission for the Son of Adam and...

Prince Caspian by C.S. Lewis

The Pevensies reenter Narnia in a very different way and arrive to find the world that they love drastically changed. Instead of winter, men have taken over Narnia and the true inhabitants have been...

The Horse and His Boy by C.S. Lewis

Definitely not as well known as others in the series, but it definitely ranks as a personal favorite. Set during the time when Peter is High King it only briefly overlaps with the lives...

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