Pawn of Prophecy by David Eddings

Pawn of Prophecy by David Eddings
Series: The Belgariad #1
Format: Paperback

Usually what I read is based off a random correlation between what is new, what I haven’t read in a long time, my mood and just where my fingers seem to stick on the shelves. However this book jumped off the shelf at me because I had just heard about the author’s death last Tuesday. This coming of age story is anything but fantasy fluff. Garion always thought he was just a simple farm boy, but when he is forced to flee the only life he has ever known he realizes the people he loves are not who they seem. The characters are strikingly complex, no one is perfectly bad or good and they each have their secret loves and their foretold dooms. Eddings also does not cleanly tie up at the end but leaves you dangling over the cliff and hungry for more.

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