Lioness Rampant by Tamora Pierce

Lioness Rampant by Tamora Pierce
Series: The Song of the Lioness #4
Format: Paperback

I have always loved these books, honestly probably more than anything else I’ve ever read. Sure other books make me think, but there are few if any other books that I can read over and over in one sitting and still cry at the end every time. For years I wanted to end up an old maid. I dressed more like a boy. I’m twenty two and I feel like I’m still just figuring out how to accept being a woman and like pretty things. Now my question is where is George? This is definitely the most epic book in the series with quests for fabled objects of power, arch enemies returning from the dead, beautiful queens, legendary heroes, crowning of a king and of course a little happily ever after to go around.

Previously Blogged: May 28, 2008

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