Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Can’t Believe I Read

A meme from the That Artsy Reader Girl.

Today’s Topic: Books I Can’t Believe I Read

I was running a little late with this one……. Okay more than a little. I did two categories, the bad and the just plain surprising:

The Bad:

  1. Mandie books by Lois Glady Leppard – I read so many of them. I loved them, I think partially because NC doesn’t appear in a lot of books. They are fairly religious books but that didn’t bother me then because that was before I had any inklings of atheism.
  2. ttyl by Lauren Myracle – If you read the review you’ll get the gist but this was a hard one for me. I was pretty much the age of these girls, when it was set and when it was published. It just did not register for me. It was for an assignment though.
  3. Watership Down by Richard Adams – Okay I never actually finished this book but I’m amazed I made it in at all.
  4. Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer – I’m sure a lot of people would say all of the Twilight series, I try not to give into the hate, but this book was just over the top ridiculous.
  5. The Man Who Walked Between the Towers by Mordicai Gerstein – Philippe Petit is a fascinating person but I found the 9-11 connection heavy handed. Another read for class.

The Good:

  1. The Book of Lies by Brad Meltzer – This is not my normal fare but I actually enjoyed it. I’m not sure if I’ll ever read more things like this.
  2. Each Little Bird That Sings by Deborah Wiles – This was for a course and I expected to hate it but it was actually quite good and made me quite emotional.
  3. Dead Until Dark by Charlaine Harris – It isn’t that far out of my normal realm, but I don’t think I would have picked them up on my own. I did actually enjoy them once they got loaned to me.
  4. GraceLand by Chris Abani – This was for a course, a course that I think I failed because I got so far behind in reading but I was obstinate and went back to read this and enjoyed it even though it is far from my normal fare.
  5. The Keeper of Lost Causes by Jussi Adler-Olsen – This was an ARC I got and one day I was in the mood for something different. I LOVED it. I need to catch up on the series, I am behind.

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