Booking Through Thursday: Patriotism

Booking Through Thursday

A meme from Booking Through Thursday.

Today’s topic is “So, Fourth of July here in the USA … Do you ever read books that could be considered patriotic? Rousing stories of heroes? History? Brave countrymen & women doing bold things?

What would you recommend if somebody asked you for something patriotic–no matter what your country?

Be as specific or as general as you like.”

Johnny Tremain by Esther Forbes was the book that immediately came to mind. It makes perfect sense but I can’t say much about it. It’s been probably 15 years since I read it. Then I had a couple nontraditional ideas.

Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins is a book about rebellion, freedom from tyranny. It seems Independence Day appropriate.

American Gods by Neil Gaiman might not seem iconic at first but it exemplifies the diversity that makes this country what it is.

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