Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books I Recommend The Most

Top Ten

A meme from the Broke and the Bookish.

Today’s topic: Top Ten Books I Recommend The Most

I tend to recommend authors and then within each author is a ranking of books. So I flipped this a little bit.

1. Tamora Pierce (probably Alanna: The First Adventure) If there is any book that I try to get everyone I meet to try this is it. Lately I’ve been reading through the reactions of Mark Reads because I know the Tortall books so well I can hear the conversations in my head even if he is being especially vague.

2. Neil Gaiman (probably American Gods) Here you have another author who I love so much of their work that it is hard to choose. I usually recommend American Gods because there is something iconic. I think if a person only read one Gaiman that perhaps it should be this, though really he varies so much I think anyone could find something they like.

3. Mitsumasa Anno (probably Anno’s Journey) Probably my favorite children’s books. I loved to tell my own story, to imagine the lives of the people in his illustrations. I also think they have a tendency to be books that stick for a broad range.

4. Cornelia Funke (probably Reckless) I like Inkheart but I think the new series will be the stronger. Though I really love Funke’s novels for younger readers. I loved Inkheart but the rest of the series felt forced to me, still haven’t finished it.

5. Gail Carson Levine (probably Fairest) Once upon a time I probably would have said Ella Enchanted but ever since the movie I am worried that peopple will write off the recommendation because of it. The movie was entertaining but in a different way than the book. Fairest brings the reader into the same universe but without assumptions.

6. Robin McKinley (probably Sunshine) Really I can recommend any of McKinley’s books often, it depends on the person’s interests. This is usually my pick because of the quirks in the characters. I also often recommend The Hero and the Crown.

7. Graceling by Kristin Cashore – Cashore is still fairly new. There are not the pile of tomes like many of the authors I enjoy. I see her as the next generation of the authors I love. There are others but she is the one that I put the most of my hope in.

8. The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova – This is my “book for people who love vampires and hate Twilight.” It has classical touches and is definitely a book that you have to think.

9. Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott – This is an out of category one but I reallly enjoyed this book on writing. It is one that I think even the most passive of writers would enjoy.

10. The Eyes of the Dragon by Stephen King – There are a lot of people who like Stephen King but even the biggest fans usually have not read this novel. If I remember correctly it was originally a bed time story for his children.

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