Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Most Anticipated Books For 2013

Top Ten

A meme from the Broke and the Bookish.

Today’s topic: Top Ten Most Anticipated Books For 2013

Thank goodness for things like Goodreads.  Once upon a time I pretty much would have only been able to tell you if Tamora Pierce had something coming out.  So today the title links to the Goodreads page for the book! (As usual other titles and author names go to my archives.)

1. Paper Valentine by Brenna Yovanoff (expected publication January 8, 2013)

The Space Between was surprisingly fresh and unique.  Paper Valentine seems equally capable of impressing.  I should get on reading The Replacement in the meantime.

The city is suffering from a hot July and a spree of murders.  Hannah is literally dealing with the ghost of her dead best friend.  Hannah will confront the Valentine Killer to be able to move on.

2. The Archived by Victoria Schwab (expected publication January 22, 2013)

I enjoyed The Near Witch and the mythology behind this one sounds absolutely fantastic!  Bookish, but not quite and scary and oh just go read the summary!

In this Archive the dead are the books and they are called Histories.  Except unlike books these are dangerous and the Keepers must prevent them from waking and escaping.  Mac is a Keeper and the Archive is being threatened.

3. Etiquette & Espionage by Gail Carriger (expected publication February 5, 2013)

I’ve been meaning to make the plunge with Gail Carriger but I have so much to read, and at this point I am beginning to think that maybe the best way is to just get started with series and go back and catch up with the other at a later date.  I want to go to “finishing” school.

Sophronia drives her mother crazy with her impropriety.  So her mother sends her to Mademoiselle Geraldine’s Finishing Academy for Young Ladies of Quality.  Except this is not your normal finishing school, it includes skills for espionage and death.

4. The Nightmare Affair by Mindee Arnett (expected publication March 5, 2013)

A debut!  There were such good debuts this year that I did not know about until last minute and I am sure it will happen again, but this one sounds quirky.  I mean she is a nightmare, I want to know how that works!

Dusty is a Nightmare, the only one at Arkwell Academy.  Then she sneaks into Eli Booker’s house to invade his dreams and he dreams about a murder… and then it happens.

5. When We Wake by Karen Healey (expected publication March 5, 2013)

Karen Healey has quickly moved up my list of interesting writers.  The cultural aspect has been the key previously but this looks like a branch in a new direction and i am willing to step out on it.  I can’t imagine adjusting to the future being pleasant.

Tegan is sixteen in 2027 and then 100 years in the future she is still sixteen when she wakes up after being frozen and successfully revived.  The future has its own issues, should she fight or stay out of trouble.

6. Poison by Bridget Zinn (expected publication March 12, 2013)

Kyra sounds smart and tough, not only can she mix poison but she is willing to use it.  She is in a tough spot because she is trying to do the right thing.  Another debut, but there is a sad story with this one, the author passed away before she could see her work published but at least she knew it was going to be.

Kyra mixes the poison and her darts have never missed until the one aimed at her ex best friend, the king.  Then she is a fugitive trying to survive and also trying to finish her assassination.

7. The Gate Thief by Orson Scott Card (expected publication March 19, 2013)

I enjoyed the first entry in the series and am very excited for the rest of it!  I also have always meant to read more of his work after I first started with Ender’s Game so I am looking forward to keeping up better.

Danny now holds the power of centuries worth of gate mages while Wad is vulnerable and almost powerless in Westil.  Will they be able to make peace with each other to join forces against those threatening them?

8. Redemption by Jussi Adler-Olsen (expected publication May 23, 2013)

I think this is what the proper translated title will be but I don’t care what they call it.  I am excited!  If you had asked me when I picked up the first one I would not have guessed I would be this addicted to the series.

Two boys are kidnapped.   Their only hope of rescue is a bottle tossed to sea and a note written in blood.  Carl finds the note in cold case files.  Can they still be rescued?

9. The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman (expected publication June 18, 2013)

Oh come it is Neil Gaiman and the summary just makes you itch with curiosity!  I know there are still things of his I need to go back and read but I can do that while keeping up with the new!

Forty years ago a man stole a car and his suicide disturbed ancient powers.  Dark and dangerous things are on the loose and the only aid is from three theoretically crazy women.

10. Shadows by Robin McKinley (expected publication 2013)

There is practically nothing out there about this project. There are status updates on her blog but it is all very vague but it is her so I am excited.

Can’t tell you anything about this one…

I put them in order chronologically, Shadows is the only one without a specific date though of course any of them are subject to change.  I have to say though, what is it about March?  Is it just a coincidence?  Also I am 100% sure there are things I have forgotten about so remind me! This is definitely something I need to do better keeping track of.

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1 Response

  1. I’m excited to see what Robin McKinley’s new book is about! 🙂 My TTT list:

    Alice @ Alice in Readerland

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