Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Best Sequels Ever

Top Ten

A meme from the Broke and the Bookish.

Today’s topic: Top Ten Best Sequels Ever

Okay I’m going to mostly take this by author because really when I like one of their sequels I usually like all.

Kristin Cashore – Both “sequels” to Graceling are excellent. (1)Fire is probably my favorite but (2)Bitterblue is awesome to.

Tamora Pierce – I love it all! I honestly don’t know if I can pick a favorite in this case. Maybe (3)Wolf-Speaker. Also (4)Lady Knight. I think (5)Mastiff is the most that she has ever broken my heart.

Robin McKinley – (6)The Hero and The Crown prequel to The Blue Sword. I suppose technically sword is first but you can flip and flop all you want.

Jussi Adler-Olsen – (7)The Absent One is the second book, there is one more to come but I still don’t have my hands on it yet.

Steven Brust – (8)Taltos is the first book in the compilation I am currently reading. So officially the fourth book in the series.

Mercedes Lackey – (9)Magic’s Promise almost gives you hope for Vanyel getting to finally be happy but he was born in the wrong time and place for that.

J.K. Rowling – (10)Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix to me is where the characters have become real but before things completely plummet down hill. It’s the point in the middle where it peaked for me.

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