Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books I’d Want On A Deserted Island

Top Ten

A meme from the Broke and the Bookish.

Today’s topic: Top Ten Books I’d Want On A Deserted Island

I’m not going to cheat on this one, even if I know there is an omnibus edition.  I’m going about this as if I had to pull them off my shelves this second.

1. Lioness Rampant by Tamora Pierce – I know them all so well that I think the last book, the culmination is what I would need to survive.  They are my comfort books.

2. Anno’s Journey by Mitsumasa Anno – I became a storyteller looking at the detailed illustrations created by this artist and this was probably my favorite.  I would have inspiration to keep myself entertained when I tired of the written word.

3. Sunshine by Robin McKinley – It is a hard choice, I have loved some of her other work for so long, but Sunshine resonates with me on a deeper level.  She is a fighter, a survivor, but always surprising you.

4. Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman – Honestly not sure why that is the one I would pick of his.  I think it would fit a deserted island, the others have surviving and journeys, and it has that but also the world unseen, and the world left behind.

5. Dealing with Dragons by Patricia C. Wrede – When I think of a book to make me laugh this one pops to mind.  I often laugh when reading but not this much.  I would need to keep my sense of humor.

6. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury – It is high on my list of “classics” the themes, everything about it really makes it a book I don’t mind contemplating, possibly for a very long time… very.

7. The Once and Future King by T. H. White – Another classic for you, this one a bit more bulky for killing time on the deserted island.  Definitely something to lose yourself in.

8. Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine – I think I need some more funny and sweet and comfort, and really this one fits across the board a lot of the requirements to keep my sanity on the island.

9. The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold – I feel like that is a really strange choice and yet… it is about the real world even though there is the fantastical element.  It is about those you leave behind.

10. The False Princess by Eilis O’Neal – It is one that I really enjoyed that I could see joining the reread pile, especially if I had more time for rereading…. like on a deserted island!

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