300 Pages Blog

Runaways: Teenage Wasteland

This isn’t the cover I have. I try to make the covers match my own but these volumes have gone through some minor and major variations. Mine is Karolina looking super pissed. The kids...

Runaways: Pride & Joy

I thought having finished the show now would be a good time to review these. The first two pages will throw you for a loop. I like that we are introduced to the group...

Star Wars: Kanan: Volume 1

A lot of comics bridge between the movies especially the primary films. This series has the unique role of bridging between the TV series. It begins with where we are most used to, Kanan...

Star Wars: Princess Leia

Princess Leia, we all love her. This limited series begins actually during the medal ceremony. I love this series because you get to see more of Leia’s fire. You see some of it in...

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Bookish Resolutions/Goals

A meme from the That Artsy Reader Girl. It was previously hosted through the Broke and the Bookish. The move is official today! Today’s Topic: Bookish Resolutions/Goals I will finish actual honest to goodness...

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