Top Ten Tuesday: Top Bookish Resolutions/Goals

A meme from the That Artsy Reader Girl. It was previously hosted through the Broke and the Bookish. The move is official today!
Today’s Topic: Bookish Resolutions/Goals
- I will finish actual honest to goodness books this year. I’ve been on a comic binge and I need to find a balance.
- I will procrastinate reading less. I keep missing out on things because I let myself get intimidated.
- I will let myself reread. Sometimes the to-read list is so long I feel guilty rereading but I need it sometimes.
- I will tell people about the books I read, not just on here.
- I will continue growing as an Acme Comics super fan. In the past year I’ve come to love the guys at Acme and I like giving them my business.
- I will try to support my local book store. I don’t buy a lot of books lately but I should do better by Scuppernong Books.
- I will work on editing my novel. I’ve abandoned poor Meranda for a while and she doesn’t deserve it.
- I will write, something, anything. A page. A random post. A Reddit confession. I will write.
- I will let myself enjoy it.
all good goals!