Top Ten Books We Meant To Read In 2017 But Didn’t Get To

A meme from the Broke and the Bookish. However that site is about to shut down and the meme will be moving to That Artsy Reader Girl.
Today’s topic – Ten Books We Meant To Read In 2017 But Didn’t Get To (and totallyyyy plan to get to in 2018!!)
- Sandman – I have gorgeous leather bound versions. I will admit that the size adds to the intimidation a bit.
- The Queen’s Thief series – I bought the newest book and keep meaning to read all of it together.
- Hellboy – I bought the library editions of all six volumes and Hellboy in Hell and haven’t even started yet.
- Star Wars novels – I am completely caught up on comics but super behind on new canon novels. I need to catch up with Ben!
- Saga – I have actually started this series but I am so behind.
- Greywalker – I read a book in the middle of the series ages ago and I finally bought the first book but didn’t get around to reading it.
- Planet Hulk – This is one of those that I think just sounds fun.
- Illusionarium – I loved Heather Dixon’s first book. I would really like to read this one.
- Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme – Doctor Strange is one of the characters that I really am wanting to go back and read older things for.
- The Mists of Avalon – This has been on the equivalent of this list for way longer than I would like to admit.
My to read list is always insane but I feel optimistic that this will be a good year.