Tagged: Booking Through Thursday

Booking Through Thursday: Love

A meme from Booking Through Thursday. Today’s topic is “Not the kind of “love’ question you’re expecting for Valentine’s Day. No, what I want to know is: What do you love most about reading?” I love...

Booking Through Thursday: Influence

A meme from Booking Through Thursday. Today’s topic is “Do other people influence what you choose to read? When a family member recommends something, or a friend says they hated a book you were planning...

Booking Through Thursday: On Loan

A meme from Booking Through Thursday. Today’s topic is “Do you lend your books? Are any out on loan right now? Do you have any that have been loaned to you? Do you put a...

Booking Through Thursday: Soundtrack

A meme from Booking Through Thursday. Today’s topic is “Do you ever try to pair music with the book you’re reading? Play the movie soundtrack while reading the original book? Find mood music that fits...

Booking Through Thursday: Winter

A meme from Booking Through Thursday. Today’s topic is “It’s the depth of winter here where I live right now … what books do you like to read when it’s snowy and white? What books...

Booking Through Thursday: Whoops!

A meme from Booking Through Thursday. Today’s topic is cheating!  I have been slacking off so we are going to cram like it is the end of semester exams because even though I’m behind I...

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