Category: Bookish

Booking Through Thursday: Letters

A meme from Booking Through Thursday. Today’s topic is “Different kind of reading … what do you think about letters? Do you ever send them anymore? Receive them? Or do you just do email and...

Booking Through Thursday: Summertime

A meme from Booking Through Thursday. Today’s topic is “Do your reading habits change in the summer?” It used to. When I was in school summers were the reading time. When I was younger my whole...

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Favorite TV Shows

A meme from the Broke and the Bookish. Today’s topic: Let’s talk about other types of stories! Top Ten Favorite Movies or TV Shows! (can break it down to top ten favorite romance movies or comedy...

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Classics I Want To Read

A meme from the Broke and the Bookish. Today’s topic: Top Ten Favorite Classic Books (however you define classic) or Top Ten Classics I Want To Read <or spin it some other way…”classics” in a specific...

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