Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Favorite TV Shows

Top Ten

A meme from the Broke and the Bookish.

Today’s topic: Let’s talk about other types of stories! Top Ten Favorite Movies or TV Shows! (can break it down to top ten favorite romance movies or comedy shows etc. etc.)

So, in no particular order my Top Ten Favorite TV Shows that I can think of right now.

1. Castle – I cannot imagine what is going to happen next season!!!!Castle

2. Bones – I was nervous when they got married and had a baby but it is still a fantastic show. Also David Boreanaz.


3. MacGyver – This was my favorite show as a toddler. I wanted to marry him and I still adore him. (I might should have put Stargate on this list…)


4. Game of Thrones – I am not caught up on the books. I try to avoid spoilers because we wait until Bluray but this show is so addictive.


5. Sherlock – Talk about a show that gives you just enough to make you want more. Season 3 involved lots of squeaking on my part.


6. Doctor Who – Currently re-watching new for the third time. Really need to go back and watch more old.

Doctor Who

7. Angel – David Boreanaz. I enjoy Buffy but I think I like Angel’s darker slant.


8. White Collar – This show feels so different from my others but I adore them.


9. The Blacklist – I feel like this will end up going for the long haul. My episode to episode pain is higher than most shows and I’m pretty sure Ben thought I was dying from me yelling at the TV a few times.


10. Almost Human – I have a lot of shows that I LOVE that have been cancelled after one season. I could probably make a whole top ten of that. This is the one that is most recent and I fell in love with it so hard from the start.


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