Category: About Stephanie

Looking Forward (2013)

Every Friday we eat at the same Japanese restaurant with a group of friends.  It is run by a Korean couple that we have become friends with in spite of the fact that she...

11 Havanese Puppies

2012 in Review

In May I graduated with my Masters in Library and Information Studies! (There is a reason that the year update starts here.) Then I started working at my alma mater part-time.  Also, Ben turned...

Ruth Merelyn (Thompson) Jobe

At 10:36 this morning someone drifted away.  That someone was my paternal grandmother, Grandy.  She was 94 years old (for most of my childhood it was a running joke of her refusing to tell...

Writing Wednesday

Writing Wednesday: Beginnings

No idea where Writing Wednesday started to be honest.  There is one thing that I have a pretty clear idea of where it started: my writing. The most preliminary stages came from growing up...

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