Category: About Stephanie

My First (Full-Time with Benefits) Job

Recently someone at my work referred to this as my first job. I resisted the urge to be offended because it is a common misconception. Nothing before you are full-time, specifically 8-5ish, with benefits...

The Journey from 2 to 8

I was originally going to call this post: Confessions of an Ex-Thigh-Gapper. But I thought that sounded a bit too mean to people the size I once was. In high school I ate terrifying...

Life and Priorities

There was a point a couple weeks ago when I thought I would meet my reading goals over the winter break. Then there was a point a week or so ago when I thought...

Life… and All the Things

I’ve been meaning to write a blog post letting you know why I fell off the face of the planet…. I’ve been meaning to write such a post for at least 3 months. It...


Today is the first day of February, and my first day of being unemployed. I am looking for jobs but it is tiring.  Sometimes the job search makes me question myself.  Knowing someone is...

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