Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Books I Almost Put Down But Didn’t

Top Ten

A meme from the Broke and the Bookish.

Today’s topic: Ten Books I Almost Put Down But Didn’t

This is so hard. I honestly don’t know if I can even pull this one off.

I can only think of one really GraceLand by Chris Abani


When I wrote the review I didn’t really spend any time talking about the circumstances where I read the book. In the case of GraceLand I bought it because it was part of the materials for a course I took. It was a class from Spring of 2007 before I started the blog. I didn’t read the book then. I failed the class, something I hate to confess, but no one should take multiple literature classes with multiple show assignments. I think I might have read the very beginning back then but then in 2009 I finally read it and I was grateful for the change in experience. There were others from that class such as Don’t Lets Go to the Dogs Tonight by Alexandra Fuller. That one I finished. I miss classes that made me read books I wouldn’t normally. Though there were also books I wished I didn’t have to finish like ttyl by Lauren Myracle.

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2 Responses

  1. kelley says:

    I think it’s good to stretch too. My book club has introduced me to books I would never have read otherwise. I also enjoyed literature classes for the same reason. great post. kelley—the road goes ever ever on

  2. I’ve not heard of this one before.

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

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