Top Ten Books I’m Looking Forward to In 2018

A meme from the Broke and the Bookish. However that site is about to shut down and the meme will be moving to That Artsy Reader Girl.

Today’s topic – Top Ten Books I’m Looking Forward to In 2018 (These could be new releases, or books you resolve to read, ten debuts we are looking forward to, etc.)

  1. Deathbed from Vertigo
  2. Rogue & Gambit from Marvel
  3. Curse Words Vol. 2 from Image
  4. Tempests and Slaughter by Tamora Pierce
  5. Don’t Live for Your Obituary by John Scalzi
  6. Plume: The Omnibus – Kickstarter
  7. Heartbreak Quadrant: Phase One and Two – Kickstarter
  8. Beasts of the Black Hand – Kickstarter
  9. The Chronicles of the Few and the Cursed – Kickstarter
  10. Heathen: Volume 1 & 2 – Kickstarter – This one got super delayed but I have hope for 2018!

I’m sure there will be others that I will get even more excited about.

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