Author: Stephanie Jobe


“10” Years at UNCG or 18?

March was my 10th anniversary of working at UNCG full time but it seems almost small when I consider that I have been on this campus for half my life. (I’m not quite there,...

One Year Without You

Today will have been one year since you left. Don’t worry I’m not actually writing this today. I took the day off and I hopefully slept in late. I imagine you gloating about having...


I have a beautiful hand crafted blank slate dollhouse crafted by my Grampa, Bill Blakey, when I became fascinated with the tiny intricate interiors. Probably sometime between 9 and 13. I have dollhouse furniture....

15 Years of Blogging

It’s hard to believe it’s been that long. My first post was September 30, 2007. The featured image is a Wayback Machine snapshot of my old WordPress site. I wish I had an image...

Telling the Hard Stories

When I think about stories to write, it is easy to think of the big stories. People with destinies. Even when I think of people on the verge of death I imagine them getting...

Song of the Forever Rains

In all honesty, this is not the book I expected to finish next. I’ve had a few in progress and ones on my TBR for years. However I had gotten it on Kindle a...

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