Writing Wednesday: Time

Writing Wednesday

Time Management… I am very good at scheduling other people, I am pretty good at myself once I am in an office or whatever place that sets my frame of mind, but when I’m home I get all sorts of ADD.  In a  dream world I want to be one of those people that sets their own schedule.  I will wake up at 8 am.  I will read and eat breakfast until 9.  I will exercise, walk, etc. until 10.  I will do household chores and errands until 12.  I will read and eat lunch until 1.  I will write until 4.  I will exercise, do yoga, etc until 5.  I will shower.  Ben and I will watch TV and I will write until 7.  We will eat dinner.  We will play video games… you get the gist, bu my life also does not lend itself well to that right now.  For one thing I am not a best selling author.  But even replacing writing with work when I try to schedule like that I get overwhelmed.  How am I supposed to exercise,  read books, watch tv, play video games, apply for jobs, eat, sleep and write?  This ignoring the fact I also wish I had time to knit and sew.

NaNoWriMo definitely does make any of this easier.  I had serious dry spells over the past week, Halo 4 is of course partially to blame.  Not only did I not write much novel I skipped some blog posts.  I have an actual book post that I haven’t even written yet.  I love writing I love reading, but living with Ben has definitely changed the way I spend my time.  Even if we’re not totally doing the same thing I like to be around him, like right now I am on the laptop and he is playing Halo 4. The book post I need to write, I finished the book while we were watching Walking Dead.  I do like the show I just seriously wanted to finish the book.

It is also hard because writing doesn’t necessarily come to us when convenient.  I often get my best work done in the wee hours of the morning.  Even if I go to bed there are times I have to get back up because the words won’t stop spinning in my head.

How do you manage your writing time?

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