Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Authors That I’d Put On My Auto-Buy List

Top Ten

A meme from the Broke and the Bookish.

Today’s topic: Top Ten Authors That I’d Put On My Auto-Buy List

1. Tamora Pierce – She was the beginning of my auto-buy list.

2. Robin McKinley 

3. Neil Gaiman

4. Brian Jacques – I can picture your face, “But Stephanie you haven’t read any Jacques since you started the blog.”  I still love him enough that I have kept up with my buying.

5. Gail Carson Levine

6. Rick Riordan

Now we kind of change into the category of people I liked so much on the first book that I bought the whole series in sheer hopefulness.  Or I’ve read everything so far and have much hope for the future publications.

7. Michael Scott

8. Steven Brust

9. Kristin Cashore

10. Eilis O’Neal

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1 Response

  1. Emily Anne says:

    Ooh! Tamora pierce! I absolutely love her books! My favorites are probably the song of the lioness quartet and Beka Cooper!

    -Emily Anne @ Counting in Bookcases

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