Series: Protector of the Small

Lady Knight by Tamora Pierce

Interestingly enough this is probably the longest book of Pierce’s quartets and yet it does not cover that much time, less than a year.  The fact that the story is so continuous is part...

Squire by Tamora Pierce

This volume always feels like the time flies by even though it is longer to account for the four years as a squire.  The book opens with Kel stressing over having not been chosen...

Page by Tamora Pierce

Kel’s three years as a page fly by in this volume.  Where previous heroines did much with natural ability Kel’s success comes more from her determination.  Kel is not the only one whose growth...

First Test by Tamora Pierce

Keladry of Mindelan is the first girl to take up King Jonathan of Tortall on his offer for girls to try to become knights.  Raised in the Yamani Islands Kel has issues adapting to...