300 Pages Blog

What am I scared of forgetting?

I wrote down this question a while ago, before I became so familiar with bereavement. I find myself wanting to use the word bereavement more than I expected. When looking for resources for myself...

I’ll Take My Chances

I don’t want to make a whole post about this past year and everything that happened yet but I also feel like coming back I should give some context of where I am. My...

Women in Comics Panel

Three years ago I did something that I could have never imagined. It was a small thing probably but it was big to me. I sat on the Women in Comics Panel for Greensboro...

A Touch

All I need is a moment where a body presses against mine. Even for a moment in passing as we brush against each other and I feel the warmth of your skin beneath my...

Boxes of Memories

This house is filled with boxes full of memories.We keep the good and throw out the bad.In my brain it’s not so simple.It’s a jumble. I can’t pick and choose.The good and the bad...

National Polyamory Day

Sometimes I get asked how long I have been polyamorous. Usually I answer that I’ve been actively polyamorous for about 7 years. The end of 2014 is when I started actually pursuing it as...

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