Category: Writing

National Novel Writing Month: Day 18

When I booted up Scrivener today it told me that my daily word goal is now 3,111.  I was originally going to possibly factor for not writing over Thanksgiving.  Now the plan is definitely...

National Novel Writing Month: Day 14

Eventually I will get to where there is writing done during more normal hours.  Halo 4 is still a big hurdle.  I think I will have some more time to write during the next...

Writing Wednesday: Time

Time Management… I am very good at scheduling other people, I am pretty good at myself once I am in an office or whatever place that sets my frame of mind, but when I’m...

National Novel Writing Month: Day 13

I’m trying to get back on that horse.  I see people giving up but I have no question that doing it is feasible. 11:59pm Tuesday November 13th: Word Count Status: 10,123 Find Me At NaNoWriMo...

NaNoWriMo 2012 Day 5

Today had a pretty  crazy schedule but we got stuff done! To give you a little more, my excerpt as posted on the official site. There is a place called Deerspring. Life was not...

NaNoWriMo 2012 Day 4

 I’m nearing the end of my current outline so I’m going to have start alternating.  I didn’t write quite as much as I hoped to today but I got some more scenes in the...

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