Booking Through Thursday: Location, Location, Location
A meme from Booking Through Thursday.
Today’s topic is “What’s your favorite place to read? Do you have more than one? Can you read anywhere, or do you need things to be “just right?’
Bonus points for sharing a photo of your favorite spot. (grin)”
My favorite place to read is the bathroom. I promise I’m joking though I do tend to do a lot in there when finishing a book I shouldn’t be finishing in the wee hours of the morning.
Outside, definitely. I don’t get to that much I lack that whole thing called a yard, but especially while I was a student I loved to read on campus. My favorite spot is this little courtyard between the auditorium and the larger theatre. It gets very limited traffic, but there are occasionally people I know to wave at which is nice. There are tables and chairs though not the most comfortable. Then there is the ginkgo tree. It is absolutely beautiful especially in the fall when it goes bright yellow. Before they renovated the courtyard it used to get maybe an inch of standing water when it rained. It was actually pretty because the fallen ginkgo leaves looked like they were preserved under glass. Though I am glad to be able to walk through there in the rain without sloshing now.
I read all over the place. I read in the kitchen while cooking, which I get fussed at for because we have a gas stove. I read in the bathroom. I occasionally read in bed. I read on the couch. I read on the front room love seat. I even read while sitting at my computer. Most of my reading is at home now and my favorite place there is the leather couch with plenty of blankets. It accommodates every possible reading position.
The courtyard in Fall, in this picture it had rained recently so the leaves came down fast.