Tagged: Booking Through Thursday
A meme from Booking Through Thursday. Today’s topic is “So … you’ve just finished reading a book. For the sake of the discussion, we’ll say it was everything a book should be—engaging, entertaining, interesting, thought-provoking....
A meme from Booking Through Thursday. Today’s topic is “Do you keep a list of the books you’ve read? How? In a journal? Through one of the online services? If so, WHY? To keep good...
A meme from Booking Through Thursday. Today’s topic is “I love BEING a reader and simply can’t imagine what it’s like to go through life without being one. Am I the only one who feels...
A meme from Booking Through Thursday. Today’s topic is “It’s Thanksgiving here in the U.S., so … what are you thankful for this year, reading-wise? New, favorite books? New gadget for reading? New comfy chair?...
A meme from Booking Through Thursday. Today’s topic is “What’s your favorite place to read? Do you have more than one? Can you read anywhere, or do you need things to be “just right?’ Bonus...
A meme from Booking Through Thursday. Today’s topic is “The flip side of last week’s … Are there any good books that you read IN SPITE OF the cover and ended up wondering what on...