Tagged: Booking Through Thursday

Booking Through Thursday: Contemplation

A meme from Booking Through Thursday. Today’s topic is “So … you’ve just finished reading a book. For the sake of the discussion, we’ll say it was everything a book should be—engaging, entertaining, interesting, thought-provoking....

Booking Through Thursday: Records

A meme from Booking Through Thursday. Today’s topic is “Do you keep a list of the books you’ve read? How? In a journal? Through one of the online services? If so, WHY? To keep good...

Booking Through Thursday: Being A Reader

A meme from Booking Through Thursday. Today’s topic is “I love BEING a reader and simply can’t imagine what it’s like to go through life without being one. Am I the only one who feels...

Booking Through Thursday: Thankful

A meme from Booking Through Thursday. Today’s topic is “It’s Thanksgiving here in the U.S., so … what are you thankful for this year, reading-wise? New, favorite books? New gadget for reading? New comfy chair?...

Booking Through Thursday: Cover Story Part 2

A meme from Booking Through Thursday. Today’s topic is “The flip side of last week’s …  Are there any good books that you read IN SPITE OF the cover and ended up wondering what on...

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