Booking Through Thursday: Mood Reading
A meme from Booking Through Thursday. Today’s topic is “Does your current mood affect your reading? Affect your choices? I know there are plenty of books I enjoy, but only if I’m in a particular...
A meme from Booking Through Thursday. Today’s topic is “Does your current mood affect your reading? Affect your choices? I know there are plenty of books I enjoy, but only if I’m in a particular...
A meme from the Broke and the Bookish. Today’s topic: Top Ten Series I’d Like To Start But Haven’t Yet Links go to Goodreads pages for the series. 1. The Mortal Instruments Series by Cassandra Clare...
A meme from Booking Through Thursday. Today’s topic is “One of those quick, easy questions that I ask periodically because the answer is always changing: What are you reading right now? (And, is it good? Would...
A meme from the Broke and the Bookish. Today’s topic: Top Ten Authors That I’d Put On My Auto-Buy List 1. Tamora Pierce – She was the beginning of my auto-buy list. 2. Robin McKinley 3....
A meme from Booking Through Thursday. Today’s topic is “How often do you visit a library? Do you go to borrow books? Do research? Check out the multi-media center? Hang out with the friendly and...
A meme from the Broke and the Bookish. Today’s topic: Top Ten Favorite Characters In X Genre I spend so much time in fantasy that I figured I would give you guys some variety and go...